Kolodvorska cesta 3
6230 Postojna
The location of the Notranjska Museum on Google Maps is available at the following link.
CITY BUS "Furman"
For people in wheelchairs, access to the museum is arranged from the parking lot to the left-side entrance, which features a lift. All exhibition areas are accessible via an elevator. Restrooms are located on the ground floor of the museum.
The museum is also equipped with a tactile path and various tactile replicas.
The Notranjska Museum in Postojna is a dog-friendly museum. The following etiquette applies to dog owners:
• Dogs can enter the museum only when accompanied by an adult who pays the admission fee.
• Well-behaved, obedient, and calm dogs are welcome.
• The owner assumes all responsibility, including for any damage caused.
• Leashes are mandatory.
• Access for dogs is not allowed during public guided tours or other group activities attended by a large number of visitors. Additionally, the museum may restrict dog access in other exceptional circumstances or if requested by other museum visitors.
• The museum staff may limit access to dangerous animals. Dangerous animals are those that pose a threat to the surrounding environment due to their uncontrollability or display aggressive behavior towards humans (Official Journal, Law on Animal Welfare - ZZZiv-UPB3 - Article 5 – Official consolidated version).
• Service dogs can enter the museum at any time, regardless of exceptional circumstances.
Before visiting the museum, we recommend that your dog is well-fed, adequately exercised, and has done his basic needs (in case that your dog has a minor “accident” on the museum grounds, the owner is responsible for the cleanup and must notify the museum staff).
Phone number.: +386 (0)5 721 10 90 or +386 (0)70 538 239
email: info@notranjski-muzej.si